Heartbeet Organic Superfoods Cafe (West Seattle, Queen Anne)Ħ032 California Ave SW Seattle, Washington 98136 Similarly, if you'd like your business' description or information updated, email us as well. If you know of an LGBTQ-owned business that isn't on this list, please email us at and we'll add ASAP. You can also find businesses on their site (for the Seattle area and nationally) that are Black-Owned, Asian-Owned, Disability-Owned, Family-Owned, Latino-Owned, Native-Owned, Veteran-Owned and Woman-Owned.
We used their amazing resources to compile and amplify these LGBTQ-owned businesses in the Seattle area. They compile information on small, local businesses throughout the country so you can make more informed decisions about where you eat, shop, get your hair done, and generally spend your money.
is a fantastic resource for you to 'Spend Like It Matters' - because it does.